1. Take a moment before you start to eat. Ensure you’re unplugged from the TV, emails, social media - this time is purely about focusing on you and your food
2. Look at the plate in front of you before diving in - it’s always important to exercise a little gratitude
3. Become aware of how you’re sitting - are you comfortable, are you sitting up straight?
4. Take note of any sounds around you and your surroundings. If you’re eating with company then just take a moment and if you’re eating alone. acknowledge any sounds but tune them out and tune into your hunger. This will help you decipher if you’re eating out of boredom or because your body really needs to eat!
5. How does the food you’re about to eat smell? What flavours can you smell before you’ve even taken a bite? What colours can you see?
6. Take a bite, chew slowly and really savour the food - how does it taste?
7. Finally, once you’ve finished your food, take a moment to press pause. Notice how you feel and don’t immediately rush to get back to your day.