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The Best Cup For You

When the first cup of the day is so important, why compromise? Our lively English Strong Breakfast and golden English Breakfast teas are here to help you get a great start to your day.

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A great start to the day and you’re ready to take on the world.

Make the perfect first cup of tea and you spring into your day, ready to meet the challenges ahead. Our English Strong Breakfast and English Breakfast teas are here to help you get the best cup of tea every time!

How Do You Like Your Morning Tea?

We know people can be pretty specific about how they like their tea – just try making a tea round in the Twinings office!

We know people can be pretty specific about how they like their tea – just try making a tea round in the Twinings office…

We asked our team, including our master blenders, how they like their first cup of the day. You’ll see English Strong Breakfast is a firm favourite to kick start the day!

Michael: ‘I generally brew English Strong Breakfast for 4 minutes in a pot, add milk first to the cup. I have a glass mug I like at the moment which shows you the colour of the brew which I like as you can judge the strength of the brew.’

Bryony: ‘Brew time for my English Strong Breakfast is three minutes which really allows the briskness and flavours to develop. Milk is added last.’

Johanna: ‘I always make tea for myself and my husband first thing. It’s our routine and the morning feels odd without it. I drink English Strong Breakfast: I’m all about strong tea but with plenty of milk. No sugar.’

Ryan: ‘I drink English Strong Breakfast first thing. I boil fresh water in the kettle and put the tea bag in my mug then fill it about 75%. I’ll leave it to brew for a good 5 mins (sometimes longer) before I take out teabag (without squeezing), then fill the remaining cup with a good splash of milk.’

Discover Your Favourite Breakfast Teas

Shop All Teas For Every Day

Strong English Breakfast - 80 Tea Bags

£5.29 each
Lively and full of flavour.

English Breakfast 100 Tea Bags

£5.29 each
Golden and well rounded.

Assam - 80 Tea Bags

£5.29 Each
Strong And Malty

Ceylon - 50 Tea Bags

Lively and refreshing black tea from Sri Lanka.

Make The most Of That All Important First Cup

Once you’ve made the perfect cup of tea for you, the next step is to enjoy it! All too often cups of tea go cold or get left half drunk (the horror!).

Here are some hints to help make the most of that all important first cup:

 - Lay out your clothes the night before, instead of trying to find them in the morning to keep the start to your day nice and easy.

- Check your milk is in date. Lumpy milk is no friend to tea.

- Pop tea on the shopping list when you can see the bottom of the box. No tea = aaaargh

Great Start Gift Sets 

Brighter Breakfast Hamper

Give the gift of the best start to the day with our English Breakfast gift sets. Go on, why not treat yourself too?

Shop All Twinings Gift Sets & Hampers >

Breakfast Favourites Gift Bag

Brighter Breakfast Hamper

£16.00 each

Start your day the best way with this Breakfast Favourites Gift Bag.

£45.00 each Sold Out

A great start to the day with the best cup of tea and a deluxe hamper filled with tea, treats and beautiful Tokyo Design Studio mugs.

Tea Lovers Unite

What’s your favourite breakfast to pair with your first cup of the day? We’d love to hear on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram @twiningsuk

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