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Darjeeling Dark & Stormy

Darjeeling Dark & Stormy

Craft your own non-alcoholic dark and stormy using Darjeeling tea. The combination of black tea, lime juice and ginger beer is a refreshing take on a popular cocktail.

  • Serves 2 People
  • Makes In 5 mins
  • Difficulty Easy
  • Dietary DF V


2 · Darjeeling Tea Bags or 2tsp Darjeeling Loose Leaf Tea

200ml · Water

2 tsp · Honey

1/2· Lime

4 · Cloves

200ml · Diet Ginger Beer

Cracked Black Pepper

Slice of Lime

Ice cubes


  1. Infuse 200ml boiling water with two Twinings Darjeeling Tea Bags.
  2.  Add the juice of half a lime, teaspoon of honey, cracked black pepper and cloves and leave to brew for 2-3.
  3. Remove the tea bags and leave the tea to cool.
  4. Pour into two glasses and top with diet ginger beer.
  5. Serve with ice and a slice of lime.