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Peppermint & Grapfruit Lime Twist

Peppermint & Grapefruit Lime Twist

Try this unique take on peppermint tea with a zesty blend of grapefruit and lime for a refreshing twist.

  • Serves 4 People
  • Makes In 2 hours
  • Difficulty Easy
  • Dietary DF


5 · Pure Peppermint Tea Bags

1 Litre · Water

20 · Mint Leaves

1/2 · Grapefruit

2 tbsp · Honey

20 tbsp · Lime


1. Pour 1 litre of freshly boiled water into a heat-resistant pitcher. Allow 5 teabags to infuse for 5-8 minutes, then remove.

2. Add in your mint, grapefruit, honey and lime juice, stirring to combine.

3. Allow to cool, cover, and refrigerate for later or overnight.

4. Cover and place in the fridge for 2 hours or leave overnight.

5. When ready to serve, fetch from the fridge and remove all of the ingredients!

If enjoying all to yourself, add the chilled tea into a water bottle, with a slice of fresh grapefruit.

If sharing with friends, pour into a jug that’s ¾ full with cubed ice, adding 10 fresh mint leaves and 6 grapefruit slices. Stir well and serve over ice in goblet glasses, garnishing with mint sprigs.